August 13th, 2012 at 12:54 pm
Ryan Saving Private
Paul Ryan is all about saving the private sector form the ravages of government. Paul Ryan is all about opportunity. He is all about economic growth. And he is all about a can-do, take-charge attitude that is perfectly in keeping with the American character.
The choice of Ryan was superb. Now the Romney campaign must match its strategy and tactics to the bold nature of this choice.
The last time I felt this good about a ticket was about Ronald Reagan. Say “Romney-Ryan” real fast and it even sounds the same.
August 10th, 2012 at 2:26 pm
Final* Veep Chances
This is my FINAL assessment of the percentage chances of each potential Romney running mate of actually getting chosen. Something is telling me that Rob Portman is out of the picture. I’ve never thought Rubio had much chance. Nobody has seemed to listen to my arguments in favor of Kyl, Toomey or Santorum. And I think Kelly Ayotte got a very close look, deservedly so, but probably I think she faded just from lack of national seasoning.
Jindal 19%
Ryan 19%
Pawlenty 19%
Christie 19%
McDonnell 19%
Anybody else 5%
* The only way this will not be my final assessment is if I get a very, very reliable “scoop.”