Social Security Disability Insurance Going Bankrupt Too
Recently, I wrote about the Social Security Trust Fund being a piggy bank for other federal spending programs. In return, federal spenders put worthless IOUs back in piggy with an implied promise to pay back the debt with higher taxes in future years.
Now, there is word that Social Security Disability Insurance – yet another expense drawn from the empty retirement Trust Fund – will go bankrupt by 2017. The reason for the rapid insolvency of disability insurance is simple: eligibility for disability can begin before reaching retirement age. Per the Associated Press:
Applications are up nearly 50 percent over a decade ago as people with disabilities lose their jobs and can’t find new ones in an economy that has shed nearly 7 million jobs.
The more President Obama’s Washington dithers on enacting policies to spur economic growth, the more unemployed people will be forced to find money wherever they can. The vast majority of Americans want to work, but Obama’s job-killing policies just aren’t giving them the chance.
It would be an unnecessary irony if a liberal like Obama presided over an austerity government that not only raised taxes, but also cut services like Social Security that liberals love. Yet that is the path we’re on as a recessed economy lurches from market plunges to debt downgrades to a contracting job market.
We need an “opportunity president,” and this one surely isn’t it.