This week’s edition of the Liberty Update, CFIF’s weekly e-newsletter, is out. Below is a summary of its contents:
Senik: Five Laughable Moments from the State of the Union
Hillyer: Puff! The Tragic Dragonless Leadership
Lee: Obama’s IRS Return Shows His Tax Hypocrisy, Current Debate Shows Urgent Need for Corporate Tax Reform
Ellis: L.A. Unified’s School Lunch Crusade Leaves Bad Taste for Kids, Taxpayers
Video: The Pipeline to Nowhere
Podcast: Fox News Contributor Margaret Hoover Talks Politics
Jester’s Courtroom: Lawsuit Overdose
Editorial Cartoons: Latest Cartoons of Michael Ramirez
Quiz: Question of the Week
Notable Quotes: Quotes of the Week
If you are not already signed up to receive CFIF’s Liberty Update by e-mail, sign up here.