Avik Roy Weighs In on the GOP’s Patient CARE Act
Avik Roy, a conservative health policy expert, penned a very helpful primer on the latest GOP ObamaCare alternative.
The plan – the Patient CARE Act – is an updated version of similar reform concepts presented last year by three leading Republican members of Congress.
Along with other intriguing ideas, the Patient CARE Act replaces ObamaCare’s restrictive subsidy system – i.e. the money can only be spent on federally-approved insurance plans – with “a means-tested tax credit that individuals could use to buy a far broader range of insurance products, or deposit the funds in a health savings account.”
As a tremendous service to readers, Roy also summarizes how the Patient CARE Act compares to other conservative health reform alternatives: his Transcending ObamaCare and one championed by the 2017 Project. All three are serious proposals and deserve attention.
More on these and other ObamaCare alternatives as they develop…
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