September 12th, 2013 at 8:58 am
Podcast: Why Investigative Reporting Should Not Be A Lost Art
In an interview with CFIF, Richard Miniter, President of the American Media Institute, discusses the importance of investigative reporting and today’s biggest stories dealing with violations of public trust, government, business and labor.
Listen to the interview here.
July 29th, 2013 at 2:44 pm
THIS WEEK’s RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn” on WEBY Radio 1330 AM
Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.” Today’s guest lineup includes:
4:00 CDT/5:00 pm EDT: Bob Dorigo Jones, Senior Fellow for the Center for America – Wacky Warning Labels;
4:30 CDT/5:30 EDT: Richard Miniter, bestselling author and columnist – American Media Institute and Investigative Journalism;
5:00 CDT/6:00 pm EDT: Avik Roy, Senior Fellow at Manhattan Institute – Unworkable ObamaCare; and
5:30 CDT/6:30 pm EDT: Timothy Lee, Senior Vice President at CFIF – Detroit vs. Houston.
Listen live on the Internet here. Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.