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CFIF Statement On Federal Judge’s Ruling Allowing Constitutional Challenge to ObamaCare to Proceed
A federal judge in Florida today ruled that 20 U.S. states can proceed with a lawsuit against the recently passed federal health care legislation on the grounds that its individual mandate is unconstitutional. In response, CFIF President Jeffrey Mazzella released the following statement:
The Center for Individual Freedom commends the court for recognizing and validating arguments presented by the plaintiffs, who have provided substantive legal arguments regarding the unconstitutional nature of the legislation’s mandate on individuals and the troubling power grab by the federal government represented in it.
“We will continue to join the plaintiffs and others in advocating the merits of this case, making it clear to the American public that the legislation is an unconstitutional infringement on the freedom of individual Americans.”
Follow CFIF on Twitter
After an unfortunately long hiatus, the Center for Individual Freedom is back up on Twitter. Please follow us here.
In addition, please follow CFIF’s “One More Vote” campaign to stop the reckless spending in Washington, D.C. here.
Taking Freedom to Public Radio
For those interested, I’ll be appearing on “The Takeaway” with John Hockenberry and Celeste Headlee on Public Radio International on Friday morning at around 6:30 am Eastern to discuss the relationship between the Tea Party Movement and the GOP in the aftermath of Obamacare.
You can find your local affiliate here or listen online after the fact here.