May 3rd, 2011 at 10:33 am
More on Inflation
When I wrote last week on the coming stagflation, I didn’t know that by formerly used official US inflation measures, current inflation is running at 10%. Niall Ferguson says it is. His terrific column is here.
This Ferguson paragraph mirrors one of mine from last week:
To ordinary Americans, however, it’s not the online price of an iPad that matters; it’s prices of food on the shelf and gasoline at the pump. These, after all, are the costs they encounter most frequently. And with average gas prices hitting $3.88 a gallon last week, filling up is now twice as painful as when President Obama took office.
(From my column last week: “The Fed economists may discount food and gasoline prices as unstable indicators that aren’t part of “core” inflation, but for most Americans food and gas cost hikes are the very definition of inflation. These are the things they pay for every day; they are the items closest to their psyches. Those gas prices on the big billboards at every filling station have an outsized effect on American psychology.”)
Here’s the Ferguson bit about how the inflation measure has changed:
And the reason the CPI is losing credibility is that, as economist John Williams tirelessly points out, it’s a bogus index. The way inflation is calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics has been “improved” 24 times since 1978. If the old methods were still used, the CPI would actually be 10 percent. Yes, folks, double-digit inflation is back. Pretty soon you’ll be able to figure out the real inflation rate just by moving the decimal point in the core CPI one place to the right.
Good stuff. Read the whole thing.
April 26th, 2011 at 9:57 pm
Non-Existent Inflation? It’s Everywhere.
As we prepare for the beginning of the era of the Federal Reserve as PR machine, we can anticipate a glut of federal statistics hand-picked to convince the public that the growing evidence of inflation is psychosomatic. Of course, it helps that the Fed’s core measure of inflation excludes such basic staples as food and energy. But as Jeffery Lord points out at the American Spectator, the main street indices tell a sharply different story than the Wall Street rationalizations:
Milk. A gallon of skim. At the local Giant in Central Pennsylvania:
January 11, 2011: $3.20
February 28, 2011: $3.24
March 6, 2011: $3.34
April 23. 2011: $3.48
That would be a 28 cent rise in a mere 102 days, from January to April of this year. The third year of the Obama misadventure.
Then there’s the celery. Same sized bag. Same store.
January 11, 2011: $1.99 a bag.
March 6, 2011: $2.49 a bag.
A rise of 50 cents in 54 days.
If this trend continues, the Fed will have to find an even more counterintuitive metric for gaging inflation. Perhaps one that doesn’t include prices.
April 12th, 2011 at 11:10 am
Fed: $4 Gas in March? Nothing to See Here, Folks.
Gasoline prices have increased from the $3 range to the $4 range in just one year, we’re approaching all new record prices set in 2008 even though it’s not even summer driving season yet. But ignore higher gas and food prices, America. They only matter if you actually drive or eat. Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen says it’s all “transitory,” and we need to keep the “stimulative” inflationary monetary spigots open because it “continues to be appropriate.”
Even the European Central Bank is raising interest rates in an attempt to avert inflation. Of course, there isn’t an Obama reelection campaign to sustain over there.
Tags: debt, deficit, Economics, economy, Federal Reserve, Food Prices, gas, Gas Prices, inflation, Obama, spending, Stimulus, taxes