November 26th, 2012 at 3:50 pm
White House Stays Quiet Amidst Egyptian Turbulence
From the Daily Caller:
White House officials remained silent during the extended Thanksgiving weekend, as Egypt’s pro-democracy groups called on President Barack Obama to condemn Thursday’s power grab by their country’s Islamist president, Mohammed Morsi.
Morsi decreed Nov. 22 that his pronouncements and edicts were beyond the reach of judicial review. The announcement was met by resistance from the nation’s top judges, who said they would fight Morsi’s unusual self-elevation to near-dictator status.
Not to kick our Egyptian friends when they’re down, but point to any random spot on a map and chances are that you’ll be within hailing distance of a nation that has been disappointed waiting for the Obama Administration to do the right thing. Whether it’s supporting dissidents in Iran, protecting constitutional government in Honduras, or providing missile defense for Poland and the Czech Republic, the president has a real gift for making himself scarce when the stakes get high.
If the devolution of Egypt continues apace, the implications for Obama’s legacy are decidedly negative. This president, after all, promised a new start for the Islamic world in 2009. And he did so in Cairo.
Tags: Arab Spring, Barack Obama, Czech Republic, Egypt, foreign policy, Honduras, Iran, Islamism, Missile Defense, Mohammed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, National Security, Poland
September 24th, 2012 at 3:14 pm
The Libertarian Dream … in Honduras?
From Fox News:
Small government and free-market capitalism are about to get put to the test in Honduras, where the government has agreed to let an investment group build an experimental city with no taxes on income, capital gains or sales.
Proponents say the tiny, as-yet unnamed town will become a Central American beacon of job creation and investment, by combining secure property rights with minimal government interference.
“Once we provide a sound legal system within which to do business, the whole job creation machine – the miracle of capitalism – will get going,” Michael Strong, CEO of the MKG Group, which will build the city and set its laws, told
Strong said that the agreement with the Honduran government states that the only tax will be on property.
“Our goal is to be the most economically free entity on Earth,” Strong said.
It’s a fascinating experiment, though we can’t quite call it a novel one — this is, after all, a more extreme version of what Hong Kong does on a larger scale. And therein lies the rub. While there are a few minor shortcomings in the mechanics of this project (there’s already some protectionism in the new city’s labor laws, for instance, with businesses forced to meet quotas for native-born Honduran employees), the bigger concern is that it will be a lonely success.
Hong Kong, for instance, is consistently deemed the freest economy in the world, a trait that has led to it having a higher per capita GDP than the United States. Were this simply an argument on the merits over whether free markets work, the jury would be in. But this is no academic seminar. In less economically free nations, ideology may inform some of the hostility to capitalism, but the bigger issue is that opening up markets takes the power to select winners and losers away from government — a bridge too far for many politicians. Embracing economic freedom in the fashion of the Honduras experiment is laudable. But the hard work is not in allowing capitalism to succeed; it’s in convincing politicians to give it the chance to do so. That’s the biggest accomplishment here.
October 12th, 2009 at 9:33 am
The Country the Nobel Peace Prize Committee Forgot
It’s name is Honduras. It’s tiny and impoverished. It hasn’t had an easy time becoming a democracy. It’s president was recently thrown out in a “coup.”
Well, that’s what President Obama and a bunch of his South American thug-buddies say. And Obama’s sticking to his story, come hell or the Honduran Constitution or responsible legal interpretations of it by people who, you know, have actually read it and have determined that the ouster was legal. Those interpretations have been published.
Well, never mind, the President has his own legal opinion, written at the State Department. It hasn’t been published. It’s secret, as if written in the invisible ink that has become a hallmark of this administration’s “transparency.”
U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, went to Honduras on a fact-finding mission. He published his impressions over the weekend in The Wall Street Journal.
The U.S. Ambassador to Honduras urged Demint to read the State Department legal analysis. He tried, before and after his trip. His request has been refused. Did we mention that he’s on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee? Did we mention that President Obama and his South American thug-buddies have not exactly contributed to the internal peace of Honduras, following the ouster?
Honduras is a tiny country, from which a major U.S. foreign policy blunder is emerging. Its impact on the world? Not so much. It’s impact on the history of U.S. foreign policy regarding South America? Add it to a long list of sad and sordid tales. This one is President Obama’s.
September 24th, 2009 at 10:01 am
Wacky World Leaders for $20, Alex
Breaking News from the Miami Herald: “It’s been 89 days since Manuel Zelaya was booted from power. He’s sleeping on chairs, and he claims his throat is sore from toxic gases and ‘Israeli mercenaries’ are torturing him with high-frequency radiation.”
This, dear readers, is the guy that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demand be returned to power as President of Honduras.