
Posts Tagged ‘Russian opera’
March 11th, 2010 at 1:49 pm
Russian Opera Tickets for Health Care Votes?

Regarding all the back room deals and horse trading taking place on ObamaCare, we thought the American people had seen it all.  Apparently not.

President Obama, in his effort to sway key Members of Congress to vote “yes” on reform, invited Rep. Bart Stupak to the Russian opera last week.  As reported by John McCormack of the Weekly Standard:

Asked if he was a big fan of the opera, Stupak, who represents a district encompassing the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, laughed and said: ‘No, I’m not a fan of opera, especially not Russian opera because I wouldn’t understand a thing.’ …

“‘The point I was trying to make’ by relaying the opera story, Stupak said, ‘is that the White House is pulling out all of the stops trying to get members to commit to voting for health care.’”

Gee.  It took approximately $300 million to buy off Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA).  Hundreds of millions more to bribe Senators Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Bill Nelson (D-FL).  All they could offer Stupak, who assures everyone that he has 12 solid pro-life House Democrats who voted “yes” in November but who are now committed to voting “no,” was a ticket to the Russian opera?

Ironically, what the president refuses to realize is that we are all waiting for the fat lady to sing.