Podcast: We Are a Nation at War
Podcast: We Are a Nation at War
Ramirez Cartoon: Where’s Obama?
Below is one of the latest cartoons from two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Michael Ramirez.
View more of Michael Ramirez’s cartoons on CFIF’s website here.
Video: An Age of Terror
In this week’s Freedom Minute, CFIF’s Renee Giachino discusses the worldwide threat posed by ISIS, the Obama Administration’s response and the need to act urgently and decisively.
Needed: An Expulsion from the House of Lords
Under current British law, only a few factors can keep a member of the House of Lords from office: bankruptcy, conviction on charges of treason, and holding judicial office amongst them. Apart from that short list, removing a peer requires an act of Parliament, something that last happened nearly a century ago, when two members were removed for supporting the U.K.’s enemies during World War I. With that precedent in mind, Parliament should act to remove Lord Nazir Ahmed, who provides a similar set of circumstances. From the Daily Caller:
British Lord Nazir Ahmed put a £10 million ($16 million) bounty on both President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush Friday, according to The Express Tribune, an English language Pakistani newspaper.
Nazir, who is of Pakistani heritage and a member of the British House of Lords, reportedly made the comments while at a reception in Haripur, a Pakistani city 40 miles north of Islamabad. Nazir told the audience that he was putting the bounty out for the capture of the American leaders in response to the bounty placed on Hafiz Muhammad Saeed by the United States.
Saeed, by the way, is the terrorist thought responsible for the gruesome 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai, which killed over 160 people. By his words and his actions (he claims that he would sell his home to pay the bounties for Bush and Obama), Lord Ahmed has shown himself an enemy to Britain, the United States, and the forces of civilization throughout the world. He ought not be allowed in the front door of the House of Lords, let alone in a seat there.
Podcast: “Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security”
In an interview with CFIF, John Yoo, law professor at the University of California Berkeley and former Justice Department official, discusses a new book that he co-edited: “Confronting Terror: 9/11 and the Future of American National Security.” The book is a collection of essays by 22 nationally known legal and policy experts and scholars examining the law and policy of the War on Terror, including President Obama’s response to 9/11 and U.S. policy on interrogation methods.
Listen to the interview here.
Rudyard Kipling’s Ode to SEAL Team Six
The Wall Street Journal summarizes the costly human waste that even worthy wars can bring:
As their Chinook was about to land, Afghan and U.S. officials said, a lone insurgent shot it out of the sky with a rocket-propelled grenade, or RPG, in the deadliest attack endured by the American military in a decade of war in Afghanistan. Thirty American troops, including 22 SEALs, died in the crash, as did a civilian interpreter and seven Afghan commandos.
Each of the dead was the son or daughter of a family who raised a child willing and able to defend freedom at the most demanding level possible. And while we say a prayer for each of these brave souls, it’s hard not to feel an extra tinge of anger that none of the 39 highly trained professionals killed had a fighting chance against a lone shooter with perhaps no more skill than is sufficient to operate a video game controller.
Whether it’s an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) killing and maiming members of a military convoy or an RPG ambush on SEAL Team Six (the outfit who killed Osama bin Laden), these kinds of deaths defy one’s sense of proportionality. Rudyard Kipling saw his own share of disproportionate death as a writer in India during Britain’s Imperial rule, with similar misgivings (from the poem “Arithmetic on the Frontier”):
A scrimmage in a Border Station-
A canter down some dark defile
Two thousand pounds of education
Drops to a ten-rupee jezail.
The Crammer’s boast, the Squadron’s pride,
Shot like a rabbit in a ride!
Podcast: What’s Next in the War on Terror?
In an interview with CFIF, Jed Babbin, foreign policy expert and former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense, discusses what’s next in the global war on terrorism following the death of Osama bin Laden.
Listen to the interview here.
Video: Known and Unknown in the War on Terror
Following the successful raid that led to the death of Osama bin Laden, CFIF’s Renee Giachino discusses the importance of recognizing what former Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld described as the “knowns and unknowns” in the ongoing War on Terror. “What was true a decade ago is equally true today,” says Giachino, in this week’s Freedom Minute. “In the war on terrorism, you’re either with us or against us.”
Senate GOP Tells Obama to Shut Down CIA Investigation
Robert Costa at National Review reports that certain members of the Senate GOP sent a letter to President Barack Obama demanding an immediate end to the Justice Department’s politically motivated investigation of CIA interrogators. I published a column this week concluding that the only reason this nearly two-year travesty is still being funded is because it plays to the president’s liberal base.
The most troubling aspect of the president’s threatened but unlikely prosecutions is that they target interrogators who were acting under authorization from the Justice Department. The fact that current U.S. Attorney Eric Holder takes a different view than his predecessors John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, and Michael Mukasey is irrelevant. Prosecuting people for activity that is only determined to be a crime after the fact is a violation of the Constitution’s ex post facto prohibition.
If President Obama really wanted to thread the needle between following the law and pleasing his fellow liberals, he would shut down Holder’s after-the-fact prosecutions and issue an executive order directing all federal personnel not to use whatever interrogation techniques – enhanced or otherwise – that he deems unacceptable. That he’s instead choosing to make career civil servants sweat out indictments for doing their job is shameful.
Further Indications of Pakistan’s Duplicity
In a new commentary on the death of Osama Bin Laden out today, I wrote:
Bin Laden’s death also reminds us of just how intemperate the climate is amongst our fair-weather friends in the War on Terror. Consider: Pakistani officials were not notified of the operation until its completion, despite the fact that American forces were opened up to the prospect of attack as a result. The only calculation that could justify such a risk? That elements within the Pakistani government may have tipped off Bin Laden if they had the relevant intelligence.
No sooner had the piece been published than Politico reported this nugget from Langley:
The Obama administration didn’t tell Pakistani officials about its plans to raid Osama bin Laden’s compound out of fear that they might warn the Al Qaeda leader or his supporters about the mission, according to CIA director Leon Panetta.
Early on in the planning of the attack, “it was decided that any effort to work with the Pakistanis could jeopardize the mission” because “they might alert the targets,” Panetta told Time Magazine, which on Tuesday morning published Panetta’s first interview since bin Laden was killed.
For the past decade, America has spared the rod in its relationship with Pakistan because of the conviction that the country’s shortcomings were outweighed by its partnership in the War on Terror. If the leadership there couldn’t be trusted to assist tracking down the biggest target in that war, it would represent a failure. But if it was actively abetting the enemy, it represents a betrayal. America should respond accordingly.
National Security Appointments Show Obama Taking Another Page from Bush Playbook
Britain’s Telegraph says General David Petraeus may be nominated to replace CIA Director Leon Panetta, after the latter is tapped to become Secretary of Defense when Robert Gates retires.
If that happens, President Barack Obama will have kept not only former President George W. Bush’s people, but also his rationale for staffing key national security posts. Gates’ last government job before Defense Secretary was as CIA Director. Air Force General Michael Hayden led the CIA under Bush before Panetta took over.
Despite his campaign rhetoric, President Obama has continued the war in Afghanistan, and reversed himself on civilian trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees. Now, it looks like the current president is adopting the staffing rationale of his predecessor too.
Somewhere in Texas, I’m sure former President Bush is flattered.
Christopher Hitchens Cuts Through the Noise on the Ground Zero Mosque
With the Ground Zero Mosque raising the hackles of some of the loudest and most cloying voices on both sides of the political aisle, it’s becoming increasingly rare to find a pundit of any ideological persuasion who can put together a reasoned position on the proposed house of worship.
A glaring exception comes courtesy of Christoper Hitchens’ piece on Slate today, where he highlights some of the darker views of Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the group looking to build the mosque. Foremost among them is Rauf’s unapologetic embrace of the radical regime in Iran — a position that Hitchens rightly notes can’t be squared with any authentic belief in democracy or liberalism.
That’s particularly ironic when you consider how much Rauf and company have wrapped themselves in the flag of tolerance as they push forward on the mosque project, a tactic brilliantly dissected by Hitchens:
Emboldened by the crass nature of the opposition to the center, its defenders have started to talk as if it represented no problem at all and as if the question were solely one of religious tolerance. It would be nice if this were true. But tolerance is one of the first and most awkward questions raised by any examination of Islamism. We are wrong to talk as if the only subject was that of terrorism. As Western Europe has already found to its cost, local Muslim leaders have a habit, once they feel strong enough, of making demands of the most intolerant kind. Sometimes it will be calls for censorship of anything “offensive” to Islam. Sometimes it will be demands for sexual segregation in schools and swimming pools. The script is becoming a very familiar one. And those who make such demands are of course usually quite careful to avoid any association with violence. They merely hint that, if their demands are not taken seriously, there just might be a teeny smidgeon of violence from some other unnamed quarter …
In recent days, many critics of the mosque have been tarred by liberals who use the most extreme examples of opposition to Rauf’s plans to indict the nearly2/3 of the public who are opposed to it (see Frank Rich’s column in the New York Times this weekend for an example). With spokespeople as eloquent as Hitchens, however, that line of attack will ultimately prove fruitless.
Afghanistan the “Saudi Arabia of Lithium”?
According to U.S. geologists, Afghans soon may be able to build an economy of something other than narco-terrorism. The world leader of supplying opium is also sitting on perhaps a huge deposit of lithium, a key mineral used in creating batteries for computers, watches, and other electronic devices. The effects of such a find could dramatically improve the standard of living in the country by encouraging foreign capital investment as firms seek to mine and process the mineral for export.
But before we get carried away by this newfound, morally neutral revenue stream, let’s pause for a moment to consider the coming liberal backlash.
“See, we did invade because we wanted to exploit the natives and their resources; it just took almost a decade to find out how!”
“Mining for minerals is an environmentally and culturally unsatisfactory way to build an economy. Afghanistan should be left in a state of nature so that future generations of Bedouins can continue their ancient way of life.”
“Substituting lithium for opium as Afghanistan’s primary export in no way minimizes America’s need to legalize drugs.”
And of course, “These people will never be able to share their resources.”
Now, if General David Petraeus could just find a way to clear out the Taliban and negotiate some fair treaties between Afghanistan and foreign firms he’ll be well positioned for a 2012 presidential run.
H/T: Fox News
Muslim UCSD Student Endorses Eradication of Jews
In one of the more bone-chilling videos I’ve watched in a long time, a member of the Muslim Students Assocation (MSA) at UC San Diego tells Jewish conservative commentator David Horowitz that she supports genocide against his people. The video posted on The Daily Caller shows Horowitz asking a simple question of the young woman:
“The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we [Jews] will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to hunt us down globally. For it or against it?”
The student coolly replies:
“For it”
This is at an American university, coming from a very American sounding voice. UC San Diego is actually in La Jolla, CA, one of the ritziest zip codes in the country. Where did this young woman learn to hate Jews with such intensity?
Obama’s foreign policy has consisted of traveling the globe, apologizing to the Muslim world and scolding Israel. Anyone noticed all the love we’ve been getting back? Instead, we’ve spawned our own Jihad Janes. Continuing down this path only emboldens radical Muslims and their sympathizers, some where we’d least expect them.
Connecting the Invariable Dots…Sometimes Too Late
Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey pens a chilling recall of some terrorist history in today’s Wall Street Journal.
An excerpt:
In November 1990, Meir Kahane, a right-wing Israeli politician, was assassinated after delivering a speech at a Manhattan hotel by El-Sayid Nosair, quickly pigeonholed as a lone misfit whose failures at work had driven him over the edge. The material seized from his home lay largely unexamined in boxes until a truck bomb was detonated under the World Trade Center in 1993, when the perpetrators of that act announced that freeing Nosair from prison was one of their demands.
“Authorities then examined the neglected boxes and found jihadist literature urging the attacks on Western civilization through a terror campaign that would include toppling large buildings that were centers of finance and tourism. An amateur video of Kahane’s speech the night he was assassinated revealed that one of the 1993 bombers, Mohammed Salameh, was present in the hall when Nosair committed his act, and the ensuing investigation disclosed that Nosair was supposed to have made his escape with the help of another, Mahmoud Abouhalima, who was waiting outside at the wheel of a cab….”
The entire piece is yet another reminder, as if another were needed, that the organized, concentrated Islamic jihadist threat against this country cannot be wished away or denied, nor will it fade away. The political lives of our leaders are measured in years. Jihadists measure their cause in centuries.
Bookshelf: Matt Gallagher’s “Kaboom”
In today’s Bookshelf section of The Wall Street Journal, former Marine combat infantryman and Assistant Secretary of Defense Bing West reviews Matt Gallagher’s new book “Kaboom.” The title “Kaboom” may sound familiar to many, because it’s the same name of Gallagher’s compelling blog about his combat tour in Iraq. West offers a glowing review of Gallagher’s book, but one passage in particular stands out as a testament to the effectiveness and contribution of our troops in Iraq, for which all Americans should be grateful:
Mr. Gallagher is too modest, and too ironic, to tout his own accomplishments, so I’ll do it for him: He is a classic representative of the U.S. military, a force that imposed its will, both physical and moral, to shatter al Qaeda in Iraq and quash the Shiite-Sunni civil war and that is now withdrawing with honor, leaving Iraq a much better place than under Saddam Hussein.”
What a fantastic tribute to Gallagher and our military more generally, and a welcome contribution to the literature on their service there.
“Help Us!” Obama’s FBI Is Accused of Torturing Terrorist Suspects, Just Like That Last Guy’s FBI
The Associated Press reported a remarkable story this week: The five American Muslims arrested in Pakistan, accused of plotting terrorist attacks, have accused the FBI of torturing them. The accusation was written on tissue paper and tossed to reporters. It plaintively read: “Since our arrest, the U.S. FBI and Pakistani police have tortured us. They are trying to set us up. We are innocent. They are trying to keep up away from public, media and families and lawyers. Help us.”
A U.S. Embassy spokesman said the accusations aren’t true. Well, he would, wouldn’t he?
Still, with regard to U.S. torture of terrorist suspects, an allegation laid has been an allegation played, at least against the previous administration.
Where are the Congressional calls for investigation of this one? If nothing else, just consider the absolute outrage of giving alleged terrorist suspects nothing more than “tissue paper” to complain with.
Video: KSM Plan Should be DOA
In this week’s Freedom Minute, CFIF’s Renee Giachino discusses the Obama Administration’s plan to give the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks a civilian trial in NYC and how it’s past time for our nation to get serious about winning the War on Terror.
Moral Confusion on the Potomac
In the aftermath of the Obama Justice Department’s (and, let’s be clear, the President’s) decision to bring a group of terrorist figures — including professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — to trial in American courtrooms, liberals in Congress are bending over backwards to tout the administration’s moral superiority.
What’s notable about their talking points is how thin the gruel they’re serving up is. Consider this gem from Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Michigan):
The argument by some that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be treated as a warrior and not as a common criminal misses the point. He wants us to treat him as a warrior. But he should, and will, be treated as the common terrorist criminal that he is.
As Charles Krauthammer noted on last night’s “Special Report,” the phrase “terrorist criminal” is, in and of itself, an oxymoron. But there’s also a bit of a stolen base in Levin’s argument. Because KSM wants to be treated as a warrior, he shouldn’t be? How about a justice system that operates according to the facts rather than the feelings of those involved? Sure, KSM might want the glories of martyrdom — give it to him. For every died in the wool jihadi who bids him well as he’s ferried across the River Styx to the land of subjugated virgins, they’ll be another potential Al-Qaeda recruit who learns that terrorism is a short road that ends in the embrace of an American noose.
Also weighing in was Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont):
By trying them in our federal courts, we demonstrate to the world that the most powerful nation on earth also trusts its judicial system — a system respected around the world.
That Leahy seems to think that whether or not America has any faith in the judicial process hinges on whether or not we empty out the population of Guantanamo Bay into New York City courtrooms doesn’t speak well of his standing as judiciary chairman. But are the military tribunals that these men would have otherwise faced not part of our judicial system? Or does he not remember being on the losing end of the vote on the Military Commissions Act of 2006?
Politics is supposed to stop at the water’s edge. Unfortunately, these days that water is in the Potomac River.