September 24th, 2018 at 1:06 pm
Image of the Day: Something Apparently Turbocharged U.S. Economic Sentiment in 2016
From the left-leaning Pew Research Center, note how something caused the number of Americans responding that the state of our economy is good to turbocharge past the Europeans and Japanese around 2016. Perhaps Paul Krugman of The New York Times has a theory.
![Something Happened Around 2016 Something Happened Around 2016](
Something Happened Around 2016
August 1st, 2016 at 11:57 am
Image of the Day: The Left Now Favors Palestinians Over Israel
A recent Pew Research survey reveals an alarming and corrosive new reality. The political left in America for the first time sympathizes more with the Palestinians, who effectively deny Israel’s right to even exist and officially celebrate terrorist attacks in Israel, over the Israelis whom they seek to eradicate.
![American Left Now Favors Palestinians Over Israelis American Left Now Favors Palestinians Over Israelis](
American Left Now Favors Palestinians Over Israelis
This strange sense of radical chic was previously more confined to European shores among western societies. Given the rising degree of liberal sentiment in America, this begins to suggest a larger trend, which we can only hope doesn’t eventually import the disturbing degree of anti-Semitism and balkanization that Europeans regrettably suffer.
December 11th, 2014 at 10:53 am
Pew: More Now Support Gun Rights than Gun Control
Here’s some good news from Pew Research to interrupt the current sense that the world in which we live is collapsing into a smoldering heap:
For the first time in more than two decades of Pew Research Center surveys, there is more support for gun rights than gun control. Currently, 52% say it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns, while 46% say it is more important to control gun ownership. Support for gun rights has edged up from earlier this year, and marks a substantial shift in attitudes since shortly after the Newtown school shootings, which occurred two years ago this Sunday.”
Additionally, a healthy majority believes that firearms protect law-abiding citizens more than they create a safety risk:
The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted Dec. 3-7 among 1,507 adults, also finds a shift in attitudes about whether gun ownership in this country does more to protect people or put people’s safety at risk. Nearly six-in-ten Americans (57%) say gun ownership does more to protect people from becoming victims of crime, while 38% say it does more to endanger personal safety. In the days after Newtown, 48% said guns do more to protect people and 37% said they placed people at risk.”
Just more confirmation that the American public demonstrates greater wisdom than our self-appointed shamans in the mainstream media and political classes.
August 16th, 2012 at 5:39 pm
Pew Research: Independents and Republicans Agree Government Regulation Does More Harm Than Good
In the words of the Pew Research Center, “No issue relating to business is more politically divisive than the impact of government regulation.”
According to a new Pew survey, 76% of Republicans believe that government regulation of business tends to do more harm than good, but only 41% of Democrats agree. That’s an enormous 35% difference, but the poll reveals something even more interesting. Namely, 58% of independents side with Republicans on that question, not Democrats. Another interesting point from the survey, according to Pew:
Fully 72% of Americans agree that ‘the strength of this country today is based on the success of American business.’ This opinion has endured, largely unchanged, for the past quarter century.”
That’s bad news for Barack “You Didn’t Build That!” Obama and his class warfare campaign theme.
June 11th, 2010 at 5:28 pm
Poll: Technology Companies Highly Favored, Despite Most Institutions’ Unpopularity
“Americans are not very satisfied with most prominent institutions.” That’s the opening comment of a scientific poll released today by the Pew Research Center.
A striking exception? Technology companies.
By an enormous 68% to 18% margin, Americans state that technology companies have a positive “effect on the way things are going in the country.” This stands among the highest of thirteen institutions rated, including such entities as Congress, the federal government, religious institutions and the entertainment industry. Small businesses also scored high in public esteem, by a 71% to 19% margin.
Yet Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski and pro-regulation activists push “Net Neutrality” Internet regulation under the myth that we’re facing some alleged broadband or technological crisis? This vivid poll result should open their eyes, especially following our observation yesterday that 91% are happy with their home broadband speed.
In contrast, the public rates the very federal government that would impose “Net Neutrality” negatively by a 65% to 25% margin. Congress is also rated negatively by a 65% to 24% margin, and labor unions disfavored by a 49% to 32% margin.
The crisis isn’t in broadband or the state of our technology sector, Chairman Genachowski. The crisis lies in public confidence in over-regulatory federal bureaucracies like yours.
October 22nd, 2009 at 2:01 pm
Poll: Fewer Americans Favor Cap-and-Tax
A new poll released by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that Americans are becoming less enthusiastic about capping greenhouse gas emissions. According to the survey, only 35% say global warming is a very serious problem.
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) commented, “Perhaps the most interesting finding in this poll, aside from the precipitous drop in the number of Independents who believe global warming is a problem, is that the more Americans learn about cap-and-trade, the more they oppose cap-and-trade.”
Surprisingly, 55% of respondents said that they have heard “nothing at all” about cap-and-trade (legislation that would impose new energy taxes) proposals being debated in Congress.
For more info see here and here.
Call Congress at 202-224-3121 and urge your representatives to oppose new energy taxes.