Poll: Technology Companies Highly Favored, Despite Most Institutions’ Unpopularity
“Americans are not very satisfied with most prominent institutions.” That’s the opening comment of a scientific poll released today by the Pew Research Center.
A striking exception? Technology companies.
By an enormous 68% to 18% margin, Americans state that technology companies have a positive “effect on the way things are going in the country.” This stands among the highest of thirteen institutions rated, including such entities as Congress, the federal government, religious institutions and the entertainment industry. Small businesses also scored high in public esteem, by a 71% to 19% margin.
Yet Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski and pro-regulation activists push “Net Neutrality” Internet regulation under the myth that we’re facing some alleged broadband or technological crisis? This vivid poll result should open their eyes, especially following our observation yesterday that 91% are happy with their home broadband speed.
In contrast, the public rates the very federal government that would impose “Net Neutrality” negatively by a 65% to 25% margin. Congress is also rated negatively by a 65% to 24% margin, and labor unions disfavored by a 49% to 32% margin.
The crisis isn’t in broadband or the state of our technology sector, Chairman Genachowski. The crisis lies in public confidence in over-regulatory federal bureaucracies like yours.
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