
Posts Tagged ‘Quin Hillyer’
October 13th, 2015 at 4:18 pm
This Week’s “Your Turn” Radio Show Lineup
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 CDT/5:00 pm EDT: Ilya Shapiro, Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies at the Cato Institute and Editor-in-Chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review: October 2015 Term;

4:30 CDT/5:30 pm EDT: The Honorable Michael Warren, Oakland County (MI) Circuit Court Judge and co-creator of Patriot Week: Civics and Patriotism in America;

4:45 CDT/5:45 pm EDT: Professor Gail Heirot, Member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights and Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law: Immigrant Detention Centers;

5:00 CDT/6:00 pm EDT: Quin Hillyer, Political Expert and American Newspaper Columnist and Writer: Election 2016;

5:30 CDT/6:30 pm EDT: Doug Bronson, Member of the Florida House of Representatives: Looking Behind and Ahead; and

5:45 CDT/6:45 pm EDT: Marita Noon, Executive Director of Energy Makes America Great: House Votes to Lift Oil-Export Ban.

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330

April 27th, 2015 at 2:29 pm
This Week’s “Your Turn” Radio Lineup
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 CDT/5:00 pm EDT:  Peter Roff, Contributing Editor at U.S. News & World Report – Trade Promotion Authority;

4:30 CDT/5:30 pm EDT:  Mac Zimmerman, Director of Policy at Americans for Prosperity – Why Congress Must Allow the Export-Import Bank to Expire;

5:00 CDT/6:00 pm EDT:  David Keating, President of the Center for Competitive Politics – Five Years After Citizens United, Wisconsin’s Attempt to Criminalize Political Speech, and Nevada Express Advocacy Case; and

5:30 CDT/6:30 pm EDT:  Quin Hillyer, Contributing Editor for National Review Online and Political Commentator  What Hillary Clinton’s Past Scandals May Mean for 2016.

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

March 6th, 2015 at 9:25 am
Podcast: A Wake Up Call for America
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In an interview with CFIF, Quin Hillyer, Contributing Editor of National Review magazine, a Senior Editor for the American Spectator magazine and a nationally recognized authority on the American political process, discusses how “a bracing dose of pessimism” can wake Americans up from a stupor, Hillary Clinton’s contributions problem and policy positions while she was Secretary of State, and the relaunch of his website,

Listen to the interview here.

February 23rd, 2015 at 2:49 pm
This Week’s “Your Turn” Radio Lineup
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CST to 6:00 p.m. CST (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 CST/5:00 pm EST:  Ilya Shapiro, Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies at the Cato Institute – SCOTUS and King v. Burwell;

4:30 CST/5:30 pm EST:  Evan Moore, Senior Policy Analyst at the Foreign Policy Initiative – Iran/Secretary Kerry, ISIS’ Continued Threats, Mall of America, and Syria-bound Schoolgirls;

5:00 CST/6:00 pm EST:   Quin Hillyer, Contributing Editor of National Review magazine, a Senior Editor for The American Spectator magazine, and a nationally recognized authority on the American political process – Politics Today.

5:30 CST/6:30 pm EST:  Timothy Lee, CFIF’s Senior Vice President of Legal and Public Affairs – FCC’s Proposed Regulation of the Internet under Title II.

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

August 11th, 2014 at 2:11 pm
This Week’s “Your Turn” Radio Lineup
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 CDT/5:00 pm EDT:  Lori Lowenthal Marcus, co-founder of Z STREET — Politicization of the IRS and Z STREETS lawsuit against IRS for First Amendment violations;

4:30 CDT/5:30 pm EDT:  Mike Wendy, director of MediaFreedom — Net Neutrality;

5:00 CST/6:00 pm EDT:  Dr. Sunil Gupta, founder, chairman and chief medical officer of IRIS — Barriers to Medical Care and Access to Latest Technologies; and

5:30 CDT/6:30 pm EDT:  Quin Hillyer, political commentator and contributing editor for National Review Online — An Early Look at Elections 2014.

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

May 24th, 2013 at 2:58 pm
Quin Hillyer Laying Down His Pen

Quin Hillyer, a superb writer and great friend who has served as a Senior Fellow for CFIF for the past two-plus years, is laying down his pen to run for U.S. Congress in Alabama. 

Hillyer made his intentions known yesterday to run for the seat being vacated by six-term Congressman Jo Bonner (R-AL), who announced earlier in the day that he will be leaving Congress in August to take a job with the University of Alabama.

Quin’s unwavering passion for the cause of liberty and conservative, limited government principles will be missed by all at CFIF.

Quin, we wish you all the best on your next “adventure!”

May 20th, 2013 at 3:59 pm
THIS WEEK’s RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn” on WEBY Radio 1330 AM
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 CDT/5:00 pm EDT:  Roger Ream, President and Chief Operating Officer, The Fund for American Studies – Capitalism, Individual Responsibility, Freedom and Free Markets;

4:15 CDT/5:15 EDT:  Michael Cox, Director of the O’Neil Center for Global Markets and Freedom at Southern Methodist University’s cox School of Business – The Fund for American Studies video, “How Nations Succeed: What’s the Secret to Ending Poverty;”

4:30 CDT/5:30 pm EDT:  Quin Hillyer, CFIF Senior Fellow and Senior Editor at American Spectator – Benghazi;

5:00 CDT/6:00 pm EDT: David French, Senior Counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice – ACLJ Lawsuit and IRS Intimidation Scandal; and

5:30 CDT/6:30 pm EDT:  Keli Carender, National Coordinator for Tea Party Patriots – What Happens Next?

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

April 4th, 2013 at 7:30 pm
Podcast: Why Obama Labor Nominee Thomas Perez Must be Blocked
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Quin Hillyer, CFIF Senior Fellow and Senior Editor of The American Spectator, discusses why President Obama’s nomination of Thomas Perez to be Secretary of Labor must be blocked.

Listen to the interview here.

March 25th, 2013 at 1:02 pm
THIS WEEK’s RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn” on WEBY Radio 1330 AM
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 (CDT)/5:00 pm (EDT):  Joel Rosenberg, New York Times bestselling author:  President Obama’s trip to Israel and Jordan, and the future of Syria;

4:30 (CDT)/5:30 pm (EDT):  Luca Gattoni-Celli, editorial intern and reporter at The American Spectator: Gun Bill and Assault Weapons Ban;

5:00 (CDT)/6:00 pm (EDT):  Quin Hillyer, CFIF Senior Fellow and Senior Editor of The American Spectator:  Nomination of Thomas Perez to be Secretary of Labor ; and

5:30 (CDT)/6:30 pm (EDT):  Ron Beyea, Chairman Republican Executive Committee Santa Rosa County (“RECSRC”), and Scott Williams, Media Relations for RECSRC:  Special Election for late Rep. Clay Ford’s seat in Florida legislature .

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

January 8th, 2013 at 8:10 pm
Quin is Wrong on Procedure, Right on Substance

In light of the volleys exchanged, let’s review how a senatorial hold works.

From the U.S. Senate’s reference page on chamber rules:

hold – An informal practice by which a senator informs his or her floor leader that he or she does not wish a particular bill or other measure to reach the floor for consideration. The majority leader need not follow the senator’s wishes, but is on notice that the opposing senator may filibuster any motion to proceed to consider the measure.

Note the part stating, “The majority leader need not follow the senator’s wishes, but is on notice that the opposing senator may filibuster any motion to proceed to consider the measure.”

What’s a filibuster?

filibuster – Informal term for any attempt to block or delay Senate action on a bill or other matter by debating it at length, by offering numerous procedural motions, or by any other delaying or obstructive actions.

Bear in mind that the majority leader, i.e. Harry Reid (D-NV), “need not follow the senator’s wishes…”  Recall also Reid’s musings that he’d like to enact the so-called ‘nuclear option’ to remove the usual supermajority requirement for overcoming a filibuster, and replace it with a simple majority.  So, if the Senate Democratic caucus wants to, they can 1) refuse to honor any hold requests on Hagel, and 2) change Senate rules on filibusters to shut down the opposition.  With several news outlets reporting that President Barack Obama is ready to pick a fight over Hagel, I think Reid does both if Republicans try to kill Obama’s nominee for Defense Secretary with obstructionist procedural tactics.

Maybe if Hagel was nominated for some second tier Cabinet office Republicans could get away with relying on informal procedures to block his next career move.  But with Obama riding high after the fiscal cliff negotiations – Quin’s optimism notwithstanding – I think Republicans will lose, and lose big, with the public if they try to kill Obama’s top Pentagon pick on procedure rather than substance.

It should be said that I don’t disagree with any of Quin’s criticisms of Hagel.  Instead, my point of departure is with Quin’s reliance on procedural obstruction rather than tough questioning and reasoned argument.  Conservatives have one of the most intellectually articulate groups of senators in living memory with the likes of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and others.  Let them and military stalwarts like John McCain and Lindsey Graham make a coordinated, sustained case against Hagel and his views on foreign policy.  In the process, they might even discover a countervailing vision that convinces the American people.

January 8th, 2013 at 2:06 pm
Hagel Should Get the Opportunity to Go Through a Tough Confirmation Process

To start, I’ll take as a compliment Quin’s assertion that “Ashton seems to accept with some equanimity the idea that Chuck Hagel will be confirmed as Secretary of Defense” since equanimity is a virtue I’m trying to achieve.

That said, I don’t think there’s a Republican United States Senator willing to take Quin’s suggestion and put a permanent hold on Hagel’s nomination.

It’s one thing for Ted Cruz (R-TX) to make waves on cable television by (rightly) blasting the Obama Administration over Hagel, the fiscal cliff, and gun control, but it is quite another for Cruz to use his senatorial prerogative of “holding” up the President’s nomination for one of the top three Cabinet posts (State and Treasury being the other two); especially since Cruz is in his first full week as a Senator.

Moreover, from the tone of opposition coming from other top Republicans like John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and others, I don’t get the sense defeating the Hagel nomination through an obscure “hold” is the proverbial hill upon which any Republican Senator wants to die this session.

Instead, I think Hagel will go through the confirmation process with the kind of probing scrutiny Supreme Court justices get.  It may very well be that, as Quin writes, “The man [Hagel], appears to many to be an anti-Semite.  Opponents make quite a case that he should never set foot in the top office at the Pentagon.”

Well, let Senate Republicans, not just political pundits, make that case on the record.

In the confirmation hearings, during floor debate, and in an actual speaking filibuster if it comes to that, Senate Republicans will have many instances to make precisely the case Quin alludes to, and any other substantive policy criticisms about Hagel they think will defeat his confirmation.  But let’s have the argument in public, through the normal process of a presidential nomination.

U.S. Senators like to think they work within “the world’s greatest deliberative body.”  Let them prove it with a robust examination of Chuck Hagel’s fitness to be the next Secretary of Defense.

January 2nd, 2013 at 12:48 pm
Another Silver Lining in the Fiscal Cliff Deal?

Following up on Quin’s analysis, the Washington Times sheds light on another silver lining in yesterday’s fiscal cliff – formal repeal of Obamacare’s CLASS Act.  The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act is a giant unfunded mandate benefiting the long-term functionally disabled.  I say formally repealed yesterday because the Obama Administration already abandoned the CLASS Act in October of 2011 because it was unaffordable, and therefore unsustainable.

Sounds like logic that should inform the next round of fiscal negotiations…

September 19th, 2012 at 12:09 pm
Advice to Romney on How to Redirect ’47 Percent’ Remarks

Following Quin’s lead, the Wall Street Journal offers some ideas on how to reframe Mitt Romney’s 47-percent-of-Americans-see-themselves-as-victims-and-will-vote-for-Obama-no-matter-what:

“I want Americans to be less dependent on government not because it costs too much. We will always help Americans who need our help. I want Americans to be independent so they can realize the pride of accomplishment and the dignity of work and contribute their God-given talents to build a better country.

“I think the success of a Presidency should be measured by how many fewer people need food stamps, how many fewer need disability, not how many more people are added to the rolls. I don’t want to take food stamps away from Americans in need. I want fewer Americans to need food stamps.

Sometimes I wonder if President Obama shares that view. He and his economists keep saying that food stamps and unemployment benefits are a form of ‘stimulus.’ Well, we’ve sure had a lot of that kind of stimulus, and all we have to show for it are more people on food stamps and more people on welfare and more people looking for work. I think a real stimulus is a job, and I intend to help Americans create more of them.”

Read the whole editorial here.

August 20th, 2012 at 2:31 pm
THIS WEEK’s RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn”
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 (CDT)/5:00 pm (EDT):  Quin Hillyer, CFIF Senior Fellow: V.P. Candidate Paul Ryan and the State of the Race;

4:30 (CDT)/5:30 pm (EDT):  Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick, Santa Rosa County Schools: Back in Session;

5:00 (CDT)/6:00 pm (EDT):  Michael Maharrey, National Communications Director for the Tenth Amendment Center: State Sovereignty;  and

5:30 (CDT)/6:30 pm (EDT):  Bruce Herschensohn, Pepperdine Senior Fellow, Author and CFIF Board Member: “Obama’s Globe: A President’s Abandonment of US Allies Around the World.”

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

July 11th, 2012 at 3:45 pm
Quin’s Quintuple Veep Picks

Thanks, Quin, for the “clarification” on your vice presidential pick(s).  So far, I count four possible outcomes allowing you to claim Nostradamus status at the next company picnic.

Putting your competing theories and rationalizations aside for a moment, however, let me ask this: Who do you want right now?

My head tells me Romney should pick Paul Ryan because the two seem very comfortable with each other (one report says Ryan can finish Romney’s sentences and make him laugh) and because Ryan gives Mitt the disciplined, wonkish Washington veteran Romney seems to like (see Rob Portman) as well as the likeable guy-next-door demeanor Mitt needs (see Tim Pawlenty).

I also think Ryan would be a great number two to Romney without being such a second fiddle as to obscure his future presidential ambitions.  Paul Ryan: dutiful and dynamic.

But that’s my head.  My heart wants Chris Christie.  Why?  Because I want someone to articulate the anger I have for the wasted time, money, and opportunities squandered by the Obama Administration over the last three years.  America has more debt, less prestige, and bleaker prospects for the future than at any other time in the last forty years.

That’s more than a “kick in the gut”; it’s an affront to our patriotism.

I want someone who not only articulates the problems with Obamaism, I want a person who can point to the way out.  But right now, I also want someone who does this with an edge.  Not necessarily going off on a heckler while eating an ice cream cone edge, but with something more than charts, statistics, and phrases about getting hit.

I’d like someone in the Romney camp who knows how to hit back.

Strategically, my head is telling me Romney should pick Ryan, but tactically, I want Christie out there getting daily news coverage rhetorically perp-walking Obama’s bad policies out of Washington.

How about you, Quin?  Who do you want as Romney’s VP right now.  You can keep your other prognostications for future reference.  All I’m asking is for an undisputed, single name occupying your Veep choice today.

June 25th, 2012 at 2:11 pm
THIS WEEK’s RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn” on WEBY Radio 1330 AM
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CDT to 6:00 p.m. CDT (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EDT) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 (CDT)/5:00 pm (EDT):  Sally Pipes, President and CEO of Pacific Research Institute:  Obamacare and SCOTUS;

4:30 (CDT)/5:30 pm (EDT):  Quin Hillyer, fellow at CFIF:  Florida Voter Fraud and the Department of Justice;

5:00 (CDT)/6:00 pm (EDT):  Joel Arends, Chairman of Veterans for a Strong America:  Obama Shamelessly Politicized the Bin Laden Killing;  and

5:30 (CDT)/6:30 pm (EDT):  Slade O’Brien, state director for Florida Chapter of Americans for Prosperity:  Five for Florida – Real Solutions for a Better Florida.

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

April 9th, 2012 at 10:59 am
Medicaid Bankrupting States

Along with reformist former state official Bradley Byrne, I explained yesterday at the Mobile Press-Register how Medicaid is taking over the entire Alabama General Fund budget, and how ObamaCare makes it worse. This might have some bearing, tangentially, to the Supreme Court case on ObamaCare (the part argued last, about states being commandeered into ObamaCare Medicaid expansions).

Federal and state governments share Medicaid costs, but Obamacare by design will add millions nationwide to state Medicaid rolls while picking up the added costs only in the short term….

Before the $81 million error was discovered and before Gov. Bentley was forced to prorate the state’s budget (making across-the-board cuts due to revenue shortfalls), and even without full implementation of Obamacare, the state General Fund’s budget for Medicaid had doubled in just two years. To put this into perspective: During this two-year period, our court system was cut by a third, our criminal prosecutors’ offices by 14 percent, our Forestry Commission by 17 percent and our economic development by 5 percent. Medicaid went from consuming 20 percent of our General Fund budget two years ago to 36.5 percent this year. It is on track to consume the entire General Fund by decade’s end.

This is a big deal. And Alabama is hardly unique. It adds practical weight to the states’ arguments that they are being coerced into something they can’t afford.

March 30th, 2012 at 9:36 am
Podcast: How Government Policies Are Driving Up Energy Prices
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CFIF Senior Fellow Quin Hillyer discusses how the Obama Administration’s anti-oil industry policies and practices are driving up gas prices and threatening American energy companies. 

Listen to the interview here.

March 19th, 2012 at 3:36 pm
THIS WEEK’s RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn” on WEBY Radio 1330 AM
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CST to 6:00 p.m. CST (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 (CST)/5:00 pm (EST):  Lance T. Izumi, Pacific Research Institute:  “Obama’s Education Takeover”;

4:30 (CST)/5:30 pm (EST):  Quin Hillyer, CFIF Fellow:  Bogus Oil Cases;

5:00 (CST)/6:00 pm (EST):  Guy Benson,  Presidential Race;  and

5:30 (CST)/6:30 pm (EST):  Eloise Caggiano, Desiree Heroux, Martha Szymoniak: Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.

December 12th, 2011 at 4:29 pm
THIS WEEK’s RADIO SHOW LINEUP: CFIF’s Renee Giachino Hosts “Your Turn” on WEBY Radio 1330 AM
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Join CFIF Corporate Counsel and Senior Vice President Renee Giachino today from 4:00 p.m. CST to 6:00 p.m. CST (that’s 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST) on Northwest Florida’s 1330 AM WEBY, as she hosts her radio show, “Your Turn: Meeting Nonsense with Commonsense.”  Today’s guest lineup includes:

4:00 (CST)/5:00 pm (EST):  Craig Shirley, Author – “December, 1941:  31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World”;

4:30 (CST)/5:30 pm (EST):  Peter Ferrara, Institute for Policy Innovation – Obama and the Crash of 2013;

5:00 (CST)/6:00 pm (EST):  Dr. George Nash, Hoover Institution – “Freedom Betrayed”;  and

5:30 (CST)/6:30 pm (EST):  Quin Hillyer, CFIF – The Obama Justice Department.

Listen live on the Internet here.   Call in to share your comments or ask questions of today’s guests at (850) 623-1330.